Archive for April, 2012

April 24, 2012

this week’s favorite bedroom pins

I’m still pinning like a crazy person – constantly looking for new, beautiful ideas to fill our new home with. Here are my favorite bedroom pins this week.

April 15, 2012

DIY coat rack

It has been a busy weekend so far. Yesterday Moseyman and I trekked out to the lumber store and picked up some wood so I could start working on some projects for our entryway. As Apartment Diet would say… “start with a corner.” So I picked the corner where our coat hook and bench would go.

Today I worked on our DIY coat rack. I bought some wood that would make a pretty backboard, then asked the nice hardware store worker to cut my wooden dowel into 5 3″ pieces to make ‘hooks’ or ‘pegs’ as I call them.

Once I sanded, glued and screwed everything together, I painted the tips of the pegs with orange-red acrylic paint and voila!

It’s a start right? Next project coming up… the DIY bench!

April 13, 2012

and the decorating begins…

Happy weekend everyone! What are your plans? Moseyman and I are going to try to make some headway on making our new apartment feel more like a home. Tonight we hung the loooong white linen curtains in our new living room and bedroom. They still need curtain rings so they slide more easily but it’s great to have something up finally! I can’t wait to keep going with the rest of the house!

April 12, 2012

a few of my favorite pins

As you know I’ve cheating on my blog with pinterest… but how about I show you a few of my favorite home goodie pins anyway. Oh, and you can follow my pinterests here if you like.

Brazilian door mats made with natural veggie dye:


A colorfully rugged staircase:


A pretty wood table & bench:


A well styled shoot with beautiful toast pillows:


And a floating movie theater in Thailand:


April 5, 2012


Guess who’s film won the grand prize at the Fribourg International Film Festival? That’s right… Moseyman’s film won. Yahoooooo!

Back from Switzerland. What a perfect trip we had! Here are a few pics from it. Hope you’re having a wonderful Springy week!