Archive for February, 2011

February 26, 2011

DIY headboard

I need to get my hands on some recycled wood. Love this headboard and think it would be just as pretty, if not more, without the text overlay. Via apartment diet.



February 26, 2011

movie style: gas, food, lodging

One of my favorite movies when I was younger was Gas, Food, Lodging. Set in the rural desert of New Mexico, the young leading character, thrifty and stylish Spanish movie junkie, Shade, was one of my first memorable fashion muses. I watched it again recently and although it has been at least 10 years since I fell in love with this movie and Shade’s unique style, I still find it completely relevant.

dress - asos, hat - urban outfitters, watch - american apparel oxfords - urban outfitters, bag - opening ceremony

More movie style posts here.

February 15, 2011

summer prepin’

Fast forwarding a few months… doesn’t this APC Madras two piece look perfect for a city swim day?


February 12, 2011

little saturday somethings

(Image via HAY)

It’s a beautiful winter’s weekend filled with fun packed little details, including shopping in the city, funny-bad dumpling noodle soup, a grocery shop ignored, and instead a beer drank. Etc.

We just got back from walking our dog to my favorite spot, the Williamsburg pier. Do you have any favorite walking spots? I’d love to know about them. Well it’s time for dinner so I’ll leave you with a few links from around the web:

We went to eat a yummy Brooklyn brunch here.

A friend from the lovely apartment diet introduced me to a new awesome home decor blog called Bloesem.

Dying over these bed linens.

The cutest framed artwork.

Settling down with Netflix tonight to watch this movie.

The perfect rainy day accessory: a goggle umbrella! via black eiffel

February 12, 2011

a zingy spring

No matter how cold it gets, I’ll still remain a loyal winter fan. That said, I’m excited to switch up the everyday dark colored coat to something lighter and brighter, come spring. Love these boldly colored getups from asos. Also wondering if I could pull off a crazy vibrant pair of platform wedges or heels. Are you starting to plan a new springy you? If so will you try something different?

February 2, 2011

books in trees

Love this idea… a bookshelf made by Olivier Dolle, inspired by nature. Via cielbleu.